Tag Archives: garlic

what’s been keeping me busy…

18 Oct

Most of you who know me personally will most likely be aware that I have moved jobs and am now a certified city chick. No, I don’t go to work in my sneakers and change into my heels at my desk – I’m the ‘ballet flats’ kind of city girl.

My first month has flown by and I’m a happy camper. I’m amazed at what a big impact it has made on my real life. Now that my work life is sorted, I’ve had much more time to spend and enjoy my real life (aka life outside of work).

On that note, you might also know that H asked me to marry him. It happened the Friday of my first week at the new job. Imagine what a massive week that was for me! Happy days indeed. Oh, I said yes of course.

Four weeks since, I’ve been caught in a whirlwind of wedding obsession which I am happy to say I’m winding down from. It got to a point where I felt that if I kept going at that pace, I’ll have the wedding planned in 6-8 months. Hahaha. That would have been perfectly fine if we were planning on getting married next year, but I have had to step on the brakes because the wedding won’t be until 2014.

So I am back to finding other distractions in life.

I’m happy to share that I’ve ticked another item on my list – make home made pasta. My old work had given me a pasta machine and we have had great pasta since. After 3 or so tries, I think I have finally found my preferred pasta dough recipe. I’ll have to make it again to make sure that it’s the one before I share with you guys.

The garden has also been given some attention! My 7-month old asparagus are still growing strong, same with the spring onions. I’m not sure how the garlic will turn out, but we’ll have to wait and see. The only things that I have had to let go of are my nasturtiums and lettuce. The lettuce died a natural death while the nasturtiums got sooooo out of hand and I wanted to make space for tomatoes this season.

Which brings me to my new plants. I now have a Roma Tomato plant that was given to me close to 2 months ago, a rosemary plant from a trash and treasure market, and I just bought a Big Sweetie Strawberry plant. I should probably write about my new little gems separately, otherwise I’ll end up with a long winded post.

So that’s the latest! A quick rundown to hopefully help explain (and make up for) my absence.

What’s been going on with you? 😀