Tag Archives: Philippines

trying to get back into the swing of things…

8 Aug

After a loooong hiatus, I resolve to try and go back to posting more regularly. I really should have written more because a lot has actually happened while I was blog-quiet. Anyway, I’ll slowly make up for it.

We’ve just come back from a 2-week holiday in the Philippines where we got to spend loads of quality time with the fambam – happy times! Travel logistics for 14 people could be quite interesting.

Nonetheless, I realise how special those times were because we haven’t been able to go out of town as a family in over 20 years. Now that everyone in my generation is an adult, the complications of getting everyone together are different – the most obvious one is that my sister and I have moved overseas for several years.

I’m definitely looking forward to the next opportunity to be complete again.

In the meantime, it’s back to the daily grind and the usual life here in Oz.